Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tutorial - Manga Drawing

How to make Manga? How to be a mangaka? How to draw manga? The most asked questions and the most awaited post of all time, it took me time to make this because I am working my drawing skills as well. So without wasting any time lets get to it ^_^

01. Copy : "Hey rak you want us to start our career by copying?". That's right people you have to start by copying other mangaka that's the 1st step. Every one does it even great mangaka like Kishimoto sensei, Oda sensei, obata sensei, kubo sensei every one started by copying their favorite mangaka. I started by copying Kishimoto sensei. You do the same start by copying your favorite mangaka.

02. Head : Start by practicing head and I mean the whole head - different jaw shapes, hairs, eyes, nose, mouth, ears and don't just draw the front view try drawing it from different angles like 3/4 view, side view, top view, bottom view, back view. Get familiar with these angles.

03. Expression : Your head means nothing if you cant express fleeing through it. Learn every possible expression. Buy a small desk mirror or have a webcam act it yourself that's the best thing.

 (not my work)

04. Human Anatomy : Yeah I know its tough but you are not in medical school you don't have to learn them by name like sternum, scapula, pectoral, deltoids etc just learn to draw them. This is very important you need very good skills of human anatomy because if you understand a normal person's anatomy you can enhance it to make a super hero, beasts or take it down a notch to make a fat guy or a skinny boy you can do as you wish once you have mastered human anatomy. Practice male and female, young and old there are differences in every body types study them carefully.

05. Dynamic Actions & poses : Once you have anatomy skills this wont give a lot of trouble just kidding it will :P not very hard though creating cool poses in perspective takes time. Be sure to be able to create any pose its important.

 Dynamic Action

06. Perspective : There are three kinds of perspective 1-point, 2-point, 3-point this part is easy its just needs a little time to sink in as you will have to draw your characters and other stuff in perspective.
 1 point perspective
 2 point perspective
 3 point perspective

Try to sketch as light as possible as u will need to erase it after inking.
Now as the sketching part is clear lets move to inking part

I am no good at this part yet, but still I'll tell u things that I do to get better.

I don't know what to you use to ink your work some use traditionl ink dip pens with g-nib, maru nib, kaburu nib and school nib ad some use micron pens. (more on tools, equipments and papers in a later post)

01. Straight line : Its as easy as it sounds, might take a little time getting used to as your fear of messing things might come in between, it happens to me all the time.

02. Curves :  Practice both long curves like on face, hair and small curves like in eyes and nose.

03. Flicking : I don't know how to explain this but when you ink hairs rather than following its path precisely try flicking on it to create that broad to thin pattern.

Search for Sycra, Koizu, Sophie Chan and Mark Crilley on youtube for the tutorials they will help you understand it better. I refer to their videos too.

Happy new year. ^^

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