Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 4 - Support & Pressure

This is the part where I failed last time and abandoned my dream to become a mangaka "Support" , I though that my parents would support my dream but they didn't.

My father is a big shot here, he owns a big import export and real estate business. He said no to my dreams because he wants me to be the heir, which I don't want to be, I want to be a mangaka!

6,578,670Yen $63,230 - Yes that is the tuition fee for 4 years of studying manga course in Kyoto Seika University, which I know is lot but my father can totally afford it but he said no because he doesn't want me to leave my country(India) and wants me to take over the business, so he said no to pay for it.

Then I asked my mother to sign for a loan and she said "If it was your younger brother we would take a lone but for you(me) we cant" her exact words. *I mean what the f__k was that suppose to mean.

That day all my dreams about becoming mangaka ended.

From that day on I decided one thing to never like my parents again, I know I might regret my decision when they are dying or I am or I am very old or something, but I would rather live with the guilt than living with them or asking them for any help.

( I know the language is very hurtful and if my parents ever read it they will be hurt too. I just want to add that my parents weren't always bad, before me telling them that I want to start a life in Japan I liked them and I might still like them if they accept me for who and what I want to be but if they don't I just want to say that there are uncountable moments, events and things that I am grateful to you for and that can never be changed but this is the path I have chosen and I will walk on it even if I have to do it alone. )

Its been an year now and I AM BACK! 

I wont give up this time I will steal a dialogue from one piece and modify it a bit for my situation :

"I’ve set myself to become a mangaka…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!"


Obviously I have friends, friends who truly support me, friends who show that they support me but make fun of my dream behind my back and friends who don't support me. One of my friend ISHI once said to me that the day I go to japan and become a mangaka she will be the most happiest person in the world and that is one of the things that has kept me going. I would like thank and mention my friends names who have always supported me in bad and good times (Jagmeet Gill, Mayank Sahu, Rohit Virani, Ivnish Gujral(ishi)).

Only two things help me moving forward my commitment to myself and my friends.

You will face a situation like this too I am not sure who the villain will be in your case in mine it was my own parents (like a good twist in a plot lol :P), but don't feel down.

"When I have a problem I run, I run and I run as fast and as far as I can then the only problem on my mind is how to get back home."

If you are feeling down, comment on this post, mail me, I will help you in anyway possible, I lost a whole year don't repeat my mistake learn from it, that's the whole point of this blog.

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