Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 1 - The Beginning

Hi, this blog is about me starting my Journey as a Mangaka. You wont get all the answers right away except if I have already become a mangaka and you are reading this after 5-10 years but seriously I am looking for answers myself and the sole purpose of this blog is to help people like me so that you wont have to waste days and days on simple questions like I did. I am not the best person to teach to manga right now as I am starting it myself but I will keep updating this blog as I move forward with my journey, it might end up being boring so if you want an interesting story read "BAKUMAN" a great story which is written by Tsugumi Ohba sensei and drawn by Takeshi Obata sensei they are also the creator of another popular title "DEATHNOTE"          Death Note Manga

My 5th semester exams just ended today, now I can spend more time making manga. I did start making manga a year ago but lost interest because I wanted to go to Kyoto Seika University in Kyoto, Japan but my parents didn't allow and didn't even help me get a loan, so I was all sad and lost interest. Now after an year I have my passion back but my art skills are all rusty I am even having problem in making a normal face. This has made me realize that consistency is very important.

Earl Nightingale said "Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway. So here I am back to making manga.

I have started working on basics again, this will help other beginners too, now this is just for the art part -

01. Work on you anatomy skills male - female, young to old in every possible pose if possible buy a mannequin, anatomy skills are the most important.
02. Work on perspectives - 1point, 2 point, 3point. In Japan once you get serialized you will get an assistant for background who will take care of perspective for you but its best to know about them because you will be the one telling him/her which perspective to use he/she will only draw it :P
03. Learn to draw props like sword, gun, helmet, vehicles etc... they are very important too.
04. Also learn about cloths and creases, they will help achieve a certain level of realism.

Now the above point are just basic stuff, I will update it as I move forward with my own training.

Manga is all about expressing. So as advanced techniques 

01: Learn about eyes, start from realistic eyes, understand the eye completely before stylizing it in manga form. Watch this video by Sycra -
02. Learn the expressions, you wont have to draw every single wrinkle that formed by expressions but an understand of it will definitely help you.

This is all for today, I will keep posting and updating as I move forward, I don't know how far I will go, its not easy to be a mangaka in japan.

Bio, not important that's why i put it in last :  I am 20 now I am a final year student I am doing BA in 3D animation and VFX with minor in designing. I have a fallback career if manga doesn't work out for me which is lame because i want to be mangaka anyways my fall back is UI/UX designing. MY strong point in manga is writing stories I am making my art better too but I would rather prefer paring up with a manga artist. I am from India so finding manga and manga supplies are very difficult, even if i try to get things from jetpens the shipping goes around $340 for $570 supplies which i wont mind paying if i was making a living out of manga. Lets see how I will go from India to japan and get serialized as a mangaka, I hope it turns out well ^^

Useful links :

Kyoto Seika University - Best college in japan to go to for learning manga, they have a 4 years degree program in manga and they have actual manga artists teach you who know the ins and outs of the industry :

Their manga course :

Watch this video on the school and foreign students, she's a good friend of mine and she is getting published in a shoujo magazine now :

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