Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 8 - Smart Choices

Well first of all sorry for posting so late, I have been busy with other things and I wont waste time explaining those things so lets get to point.

Smart Choices

What do I mean by smart choices?

Becoming a mangaka is not easy nor is getting serialized but that's not even the hard part the had part is to stay serialized. I cant target one particular thing with it, its just a way to survive as a mangaka. It wont just be you, there will be many people with the same dream as you, so to beat them and get on top you need to make smart choices, for that all you need is proper information on the subject. Let me explain you by some examples.

01. Right now two great manga and pillars of shounen jump are going to end Naruto and Bleach as soon as they end jump will be looking for new talents so rather than submitting your work now and competing with two great final arcs you can submit your work when they end, well its a different story if its your dream to compete with them then go right ahead. Wait up take your time and build your story.

02. Differences for manga artists and writers. As a writer you will most likely be specialized in one genre so you will be bound with it, of course there are exceptions. But for a manga artist there are no such bounds lets take Obata Takeshi Sensei he has worked on many titles of different genre Bakuman, Death Note, Hikaru No Go, All You Need is Kill, Blue Dragon, Cyborg Grandpa G, Ayatsuri Sakon, Hello Baby, Hajime, Rampou and Urooboe Uroboros!. If you cant write stories or cant draw don't get down a manga is a work that has 50-50% balance of art and story both are equally important. A smart choice as good writer will be to find an artist or develop art skills and a smart choice as an artist is to think of a nice story or find a writer to work with.

Bad Choices 

You will definitely end up making a lot of bad choices but dont worry making bad choices is a good thing, I learn a lot from bad choices. I mean I deliberately make bad choices. If there is one right way to get something and then I will definitely end up taking 100 wrong ways but rather than considering my self a fool I think I am genius because now I know 100 different ways to not make mistakes ;) u get what I mean.

You, I and every one lives a short life which is a series of good and bad choices, don't be afraid of bad choices because a bad choice will help you learn and a good choice will help you win. Every mangaka has two things in common to inspire people and be the best mangaka. 

I dont know what I am trying to explain by this post, its just I have been distracted by other things right now and writing this post might inspire me again. It might not help you but it will definitely help me ;). I'll try and post a more meaningful blog next time.

An unknown person once said

"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions."

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