Thursday, January 30, 2014

Practice Post : 07

Well I though of a story. The guy is the youngest and the strongest Field Marshal(highest post in world army) earth has ever seen and the girl is the daughter of the king of Oranus (earth is in war with this planet). The guy is captured by the people of oranus and the girl sees him and falls in love. They both run away but are caught by the their people. The two worlds start fighting again as they want to take them to their planet and set an example by killing them but the girl is killed on the crossfire and the guy being the strongest kills the troops of both army alone. Now neither earth nor oranus will accept the guy so he set of to wander the universe alone with his dead love. ^^ Well I portrayed it as a love story but in my dream it was mainstream battle story. I was the guy in the dream but I changed the character a bit by removing the beard and keeping the hairstyle.

Well I know I don't post a lot now but most of the time I am practicing, I don't even get time to use facebook or google plus. Well as you know I started with anatomy, I am still going at it and rather than learning the manga anatomy I am learning the real human anatomy then stylizing it to make manga character. You dont have to do it this away. For me this is easy and I have started working on foreshortening and poses too.

 Till next time ^__^

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Practice Post : 06

Time to show some progress ^^

A Mistake I was making earlier was that I was making the hips too wide for a teenage or a 6.5 head girl, now I have corrected it. The last one has more clean line. Its still not perfect, i'll say 50% I understand. It will definitely take another day to perfect it.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Practice Post : 05

Well now that I am as good in drawing as I was a year ago its time to tell you that all I can do now is not even 2% of what my goal as manga artist is. Its time to take the next step ANATOMY!

I have started with anatomy of highschool girl in 2nd or 3rd year(16-18 years old), that is a 6.5 head figure.

 (cant draw feets and hands yet :P)

I have only been practicing this for 6 hours so I am as good as any other beginner. I'll post a tutorial on this once I master it myself.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Practice Post : 04

Just because I am not posting doesn't mean I am not practicing.

"Not everything I create is pure gold but still I practice every day to become better than what I was yesterday."
                    - Rahul A.Kumar(ラック)

See you next time ^^

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 8 - Smart Choices

Well first of all sorry for posting so late, I have been busy with other things and I wont waste time explaining those things so lets get to point.

Smart Choices

What do I mean by smart choices?

Becoming a mangaka is not easy nor is getting serialized but that's not even the hard part the had part is to stay serialized. I cant target one particular thing with it, its just a way to survive as a mangaka. It wont just be you, there will be many people with the same dream as you, so to beat them and get on top you need to make smart choices, for that all you need is proper information on the subject. Let me explain you by some examples.

01. Right now two great manga and pillars of shounen jump are going to end Naruto and Bleach as soon as they end jump will be looking for new talents so rather than submitting your work now and competing with two great final arcs you can submit your work when they end, well its a different story if its your dream to compete with them then go right ahead. Wait up take your time and build your story.

02. Differences for manga artists and writers. As a writer you will most likely be specialized in one genre so you will be bound with it, of course there are exceptions. But for a manga artist there are no such bounds lets take Obata Takeshi Sensei he has worked on many titles of different genre Bakuman, Death Note, Hikaru No Go, All You Need is Kill, Blue Dragon, Cyborg Grandpa G, Ayatsuri Sakon, Hello Baby, Hajime, Rampou and Urooboe Uroboros!. If you cant write stories or cant draw don't get down a manga is a work that has 50-50% balance of art and story both are equally important. A smart choice as good writer will be to find an artist or develop art skills and a smart choice as an artist is to think of a nice story or find a writer to work with.

Bad Choices 

You will definitely end up making a lot of bad choices but dont worry making bad choices is a good thing, I learn a lot from bad choices. I mean I deliberately make bad choices. If there is one right way to get something and then I will definitely end up taking 100 wrong ways but rather than considering my self a fool I think I am genius because now I know 100 different ways to not make mistakes ;) u get what I mean.

You, I and every one lives a short life which is a series of good and bad choices, don't be afraid of bad choices because a bad choice will help you learn and a good choice will help you win. Every mangaka has two things in common to inspire people and be the best mangaka. 

I dont know what I am trying to explain by this post, its just I have been distracted by other things right now and writing this post might inspire me again. It might not help you but it will definitely help me ;). I'll try and post a more meaningful blog next time.

An unknown person once said

"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions."

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Tutorial - Manga Writing : 02

This tutorial is an update to Manga Writing, so check that out before reading this or you can read I am gonna talk bout software for writing and pattern to write your story in.

Without wasting any time lets get to it.

Software for writing your concept, synopsis or entire script

3 Software that I have used and that I recommend are:

01. Final Draft - (free & paid)
02. yWriter - (free)
03. Celtx - (free & paid)

01. Final Draft : Right now they have the released 9th version of it but I am using 8 or 8.3. I mostly use final draft to write down my concepts (only concepts). The software is really good and offers a lot of features like thesaurus, text to speech (you can make the software read your script - really cool feature), scene cards (different scenes in different cards (can change the cards color is required)), and many more, check there website for more details. This is also the industry standard software for script writing even James Cameron uses it for Avatar.

02. yWriter : This was the first software that I ever used for writing script, let me say it looks slacky like a windows 98 software(app) but it is very functional. Its user friends, it has a lot of tools to work with like story board time line, database for characters, items(props), locations and not just a simple data base you can add alternate names, images, notes, bio, goals, description of characters. There are a lot more features to this app which even I haven't explored. Use it if you are a geeky writer and need a feature rich script writing software.

03 Celtx : This is my favorite, I used this to write my scripts. Its very easy to use. It also have a very detailed database more detailed than yWriter. It is available for both mac & pc. Celtx has cloud features you have to pay for it but its not that expensive or if you dont need cloud you can just download their free version. They have a lot of third part tools too, but again you will have to pay for it.

Download their free version, try them for 30 days and decide for yourself that which one is better for you.

Lets move to the interesting part.

Pattern for Writing a script
Many of you might not be interested in the software I mentioned your are happy with using word pad or Microsoft word or any other text editing app available to you.

The pattern for manga script writing goes this way.
Replace the things inside parenthesis () as required for your script

Page 1 : (number of panels on the page)

    Panel 1 : (Wide, top down exterior or arial view of city traffic, we see the man and his surroundings)

        Caption : (Add captions if required like why the man was in traffic and other details)

    Panel 2 : (Mid, front view of man bumping into a woman, we see the woman from behind)

        Caption : (There was a soda can lying on the ground man tripped on it and bumped into the woman)

(thinking - what a beautiful lady)
(saying with sorry and calm tone)
Ah, Miss I am so sorry.

(saying with humble tone)
Its ok sir.

Alright this was the easiest and most productive way to write script for manga writers even if you don't draw your own manga, you can write down every last detail in caption so that the artist can draw close to your imagination.

The best part is the pattern I just described is available in all three software so you wont have to waste time writing Page 1, Panel 1 , Caption the above mentioned software will do it automatically for you.

As for me I only use software now to write down the concepts that I think or dream of. For writing entire script I do a process called "Nemu" in Japanese you can call it storyboarding its the rough layout of the actual manuscript. This way is more creative for me as I can doodle it up while thinking of it and make changes as required. These are some examples of it.

 Find the way that suits you the best. I'll post update on Writing tutorial as I get more skilled in it.

 Thank you for reading ^^

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 7 - My Plans for Japan

I would be lying if I said I only liked japan, its number 1 on my list but there are two more countries I like,  first its Japan then South Korea then China yeah I know all Asian countries but I like the culture, language, food, people (i mean girls :P).

漫画 (manga), 漫畫 (manhua), and 만화 (漫畫 manhwa) all mean comics in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean respectively. All 3 countries I like have the art I like and they all have their own martial arts which is awesome because I love martial arts and they have cute girls which are my type :P

uhmhummm.... Let's get back to topic.

As you all by know that there no way I cant go to Kyoto Seika University to study manga for 4 years because it costs a lot and I cant pay it on my own. So I have decided instead of going to manga school I will go to language school for 2 years and I know I have cleared N4 JLPT but I will start from the beginning again. The language school I have decided to go to is "Akamonkai" in Nippori, Tokyo. You must be confused that why I dropped from manga school to language school, I just want to go to Japan as fast as possible and going to Akamonkai will cost less even if I want to go to manga school I will still need JLPT N2 to take admission so I will need to study, language in japan for a year or a year and a half. Studying in Akamonkai for 2 years will cost at least $20,000-$25,000 (tuition fee + dormitory) and money for other utilities which you can earn from part time jobs.

Why am I choosing Akamonkai Language School?

Reasons :

01. Close to Tokyo's main cities like Akihbara, Shinjuku, Harajuku, Shibuya
02. They have their own dormitory which is very cheap compared to others.
03. They have 2 campus.
04. Nippori is on Yamnote line which is very convenient.
05. You can choose if you want morning or afternoon classes.
06. 24 hour study room, LOL I wont be studying for 24 hours but it is good to know that when ever I want to study I can go there.
07. They have a Manga library which has over 2,000 manga.
08. They have courses from beginner to intermediate like you can go their even if you cant speak any japanese but for people from China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka must have a certificate proving they have taken at least 150 hours of Japanese language instruction.
09. Akamonkai has the highest population of Chinese and Korean people. Hi-fi on that ;)

All in all I like the school, there are many other schools find the one that suits you some of you might like quite and uncrowded places, some like beach find the one where you feel will comfortable. Research before deciding.

So that's how I plan to enter japan. Then I have to study hard and be fluent so I can go to Companies, talk to editors and submit my work.

Then make great manga then find a nice japanese/korean/chinese girl then blah blah blah I dont know and I don't care. All I know is I want is to go to Japan and become a Mangaka. Rest of it I can figure out later.

These plans wont be executed anytime soon, It will take time for me to earn $30,000, lets hope I can collect it in time.