Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 5 - Why Manga?

The 1st question that people ask me after asking "What is manga?" is "Why manga?" and it is perfectly normal to say "fuffffu~...." (it means nothing)

My reason to make manga is pretty simple :

"I make manga to make mangaka"

The first time I read manga like One Piece, Naruto, Death Note, Bleach etc...  I wanted to be a part of that world, the time I spent thinking if I was a part of that world what powers would I have, how will I look, my weapon choice, the girl I would like so many feelings rushed into my mind at the same time just by reading a manga and to me that was the turning point.

 Its not just about what I would do if I was in that story, as the story grows and I get more familiar with the characters I start rooting for them, if they get hurt I cry (not literally but I get sad), when they are having fun I get happy for them. For me the Manga that made me want to be a mangaka is "One Piece" by Eiichiro Oda Sensei, I have literally cried on some scenes in this manga, laughed with them - don't stop reading you babies I wont give any spoilers.

I know most of you reading this blog who are seriously trying to be a mangaka have had the above mentioned feelings too for the manga you like the most.

A story that can make you smile and cry, happy and sad, creating a story like that for others is the best thing you can do.

This is why I want to be a mangaka because I write good stories and hopefully I'll draw better too someday but most importantly I want to inspire other people.

The answer to "Why Manga?" will definitely differ from person to person but the main goal of a manga is to make others (readers) happy and that should be the goal of a mangaka too.

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